Professional Liability Lawyers

 The Denn Law Group has extensive experience representing both plaintiffs and defendants in professional negligence matters, including disputes that involve fraud, breach of fiduciary duty, and malpractice. Our professional liability lawyers have mastered the intricacies involved in professional liability cases – obtaining large jury verdicts and high dollar settlements for our plaintiff clients and securing dismissals at the early stages of the litigation and settlements for pennies on the dollar for our defendant clients. Representing clients in professional liability matters is one of our firm’s fastest-growing practice areas.

Professional Liability Lawyer Andover


The relationship between an attorney and their client is special. Unfortunately, things can go wrong, just like any other relationship. When that happens, you need experienced legal counsel to help you sort through the issues, determine whether you have a claim, and help you find the way forward. 

If you are involved in allegations of malpractice or unethical conduct, either as a lawyer or a client, contact the professional liability lawyers at Denn Law Group. 

Lawyers Representing Lawyers

As lawyers, we understand how frightening it can be when someone alleges that you have committed malpractice or engaged in unethical conduct. Such allegations not only threaten your ability to practice but could also damage your professional reputation and lead to considerable embarrassment. That’s why our professional liability lawyers provide our clients with measured yet aggressive representation when facing claims. We thoroughly investigate the claims against you, help you understand your options, and then develop a comprehensive strategy designed to obtain the best possible result. 

From disciplinary proceedings to full-blown state or federal litigation, we can help you face any type of claim you may be facing: 

  • Claims from corporate clients
  • Claims from individual clients
  • Claims made by other attorneys

We also understand the nuances of dealing with your professional liability insurance carrier. At Denn Law Group, our professional liability lawyers Andover staunchly believe that you are our client – not your insurance carrier. We fight to ensure you get the result you deserve, not what will reduce your insurance carrier’s exposure. 

Lawyers Representing Clients Against Lawyers

As lawyers, we should be held to the highest standards of professionalism and ethical conduct. As a result, our professional liability lawyers also represent clients who have been harmed by attorneys who have committed malpractice or engaged in unethical clients. We represent clients in filing disciplinary complaints as well as pursuing claims for damages. We know what defenses to anticipate, how to prove your claim, and how to work towards a resolution that makes you whole. 

To pursue a claim, you will need to prove your case. Unfortunately, malpractice and ethical misconduct aren’t always easy to detect. Our professional liability lawyers are seasoned investigators. We can evaluate your claim and determine what evidence we will need to prove your case. We methodically investigate your claim to build the strongest possible case. Our focus is to help recover from any harm you suffered while holding the attorney accountable. 

To be clear, an unexpected or unfavorable outcome is not proof of malpractice or unethical conduct. However, if you suspect your attorney has caused you harm, either intentionally or negligently, you should consult with an experienced professional liability lawyer at Denn Law Group. For more details about Denn Law Group Visit: or call: 978-252-4567


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