How To Successfully Deal with an Auto Accident

If you've been involved in a car accident, whether the traffic collision was head on, rear-ended, t-boned, or side swiped, there are several things you must be aware of in order to protect your interests financially and physically. In the event of a car accident, a lot of people panic or get flustered, and important details that will be necessary later when dealing with insurance companies or lawyers, will be missed. By keeping these key considerations in mind, you can save yourself a lot of time and trouble.

Andover Personal Injury Attorney MA

            Remember to keep an emergency kit in your car. An emergency kit should contain essentials such as a basic first aid kit with bandages, cotton balls, and rubbing alcohol for minor wounds. More important to the typical crash, it should contain a reliable pen (perhaps a gel-roller pen or ball point) and paper for taking notes, a cheap camera for taking pictures (you never know what may happen to your phone in the event of a crash- it could be dead or get broken, so keep a cheap camera handy as backup), and a card with a list of any allergens or medical conditions that first responders should be made aware of. In addition, another good idea is maintaining a short list of people to call In Case of Emergency (ICE) in the event that you are incapacitated and your phone is not working.

            Be mindful of the other traffic around you, and stay off of the road. If both cars are operable, move them off the road, onto the side of the road, out of harm's way. If either person's car has been damaged beyond the ability to move them, it is recommended that the drivers stay in their vehicles, safely strapped in. Put on the emergency flashing hazard lights, and if you have cones, traffic triangles, or flares, make sure to use those to warn other drivers of your presence.

            Photograph the accident from multiple angles and viewpoints. Make sure to capture the damaged areas of both vehicles in detail. You want to capture the full scene of the accident in order to completely document the extent of the accident, so a few photos from a (safe) distance of the scene of the accident will be helpful. Make sure to switch information with the other driver, including insurance, driver's license, license plate, VIN and make & model details. Make sure to file a vehicle accident report with the police. In some cities, police won't service accidents that have uninjured parties, so make sure to fill out a vehicle accident report at a police station in these situations. Often times, insurance agencies are more helpful when police reports have been filed, so this can mean a larger pay-out for you and less down time overall.

            Consult a car accident attorney to deal with the insurance companies. Every insurance company is staffed with lawyers of their own, and many often use expert negotiators to deal with claimants, in an effort to limit the amount of money that they pay out. It's just good sense to arm yourself with your own legal defence and to never accept the first offer. You'd be surprised what a good personal injury attorney, experienced in car accidents, can do to help you. Many do not require a payment up front, instead taking a small fee from the final allotment.

            I hope this helps you in the event that you have been in a car accident. More importantly, I hope that you utilize this advice to take the necessary steps ahead of time in order to handle a car accident with as little stress as possible.

            If this unfortunate incident happens to you in Andover or Sudbury and you need immediate legal counsel, please reach out to Denn Law Group. We have a team of expert legal counsellors to help you guide in such a situation. If you or a member of your family has suffered serious injuries in a car accident, we are here to help.  Call Denn Law Group, LLC at 978-252-4567. A proper legal representation is your basic rights, please take the help of Denn Law Group’s Car Accidents Lawyers in Sudbury and Andover.


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